Home of the Fair Choice

Home of the Fair Choice

ARRIVE Software

Home of the Fair Choice
Welcome to the home of the fair choice. Fairness is required for

Obtain fair selections without favoritism and with equal opportunity from an independent source in a sealed envelope using this order form.
The selections will be made independently and fairly using a certified scientifically valid method. Click here.

For the fair choices, a large polynomial is chosen from more than a googol (10100) possibilities.

Next a starting point is chosen which would theoretically reappear after a complete period/cycle of 16.83•10160 billion years at 100,000 selections per second - essentially never.

Almost every integer contains at least one odd factor. The vital transformation from binary to odd numbers uses a precise unpublished integer arithmetic algorithm, which works without losing precision. Such precision is essential when making selections from pools containing one or more odd factors.

The Fair Choice method has additionally been evaluated using the new Ordered Frequency Test.

There are many googols of acceptable polynomials and starting points which may be used to provide scientifically valid results for you with fairness, equal opportunity and without favoritism.

You can't lose with the Arrive Software Fair Choice method because it's certified and of course it's fair.

There are 3 items to enter on the order form.

1. Sessions

Fortunately, up to 365 sessions are provided for the same low price. Each session is a unique occasion or time period. Any new session can have repeats. With random drug testing, repeats are required. To prevent repeats, enter Sessions: 1.


There is no requirement as to when random drug testing sessions occur, but "every Tuesday at 2:00" should be avoided because an employee drug gathering could then happen "every Tuesday at 8:00". As unpredictable as possible is the best strategy. If you have too few employees, less than 8, a consortium is advisable.

Only a very few, the best, read Instructions.

Since you have gotten this far, Arrive Software will provide you with a Drug Testing Session Calendar free of charge. Simply provide the number of sessions per year. Send the request to fair@arrivesoftware.com listing the number of sessions, up to 2500. You will be emailed a random date for each of your sessions, balanced by quarter. Unlike the selection of individuals, which must be scientifically accurate, there is no obligation to honor any of the dates sent to you. They are just valuable guidance to help prevent the "every Tuesday at 2:00" situation. Proper logistics is the prime consideration.

2. Number of Participants

Enter the number of eligible participants. To retain fairness, the Arrive Software staff must be provided only with the count of eligible employees, not their identities. This secure concept is also used in payroll, having two or more separate administrators involved in payment processing. The participants are numbered starting at 1 and ending with the number of eligible participants.

3. Selected per session

Enter the number selected per session. They will not be repeated.

The number of selections should be goldilocksed due to overhead costs and the loss of productivity.
For random drug testing, if you have over 700 employees, you may have to do multiple tests during the same unique session. With perfect randomness, the same person would sometimes be selected twice for the same session. This is not reasonable. If your policy or plan states that the same person won't have to provide two specimens at the same time falsely counted as two separate tests instead of one, enter the number of individuals tested per session in the "Selected per session" box. These individuals will all be different.

The selections will be sent on paper. Paper is used for the selection process because information sent and stored on computer disks can be compromised by being overwritten or erased or accessed by the wrong parties. Trustworthy computer encryption methods are used as a seal but cannot be understood by the average person. But sealed original documents can be understood by non-experts, safely stored, defendably used in hearings, retained for future reference and eventually recycled. The Paper Selections in your possession cannot be easily revised and counterfeiting is rather difficult, if not impossible, due to the Arrive Software checksum. If security is not required, please email fair@arrivesoftware.com with your requirements.

  • Fact Sheet
  • Free
  • Fair Choices
  • SessionsNumber of ParticipantsSelectedPrice
    Additionalemail fair@arrivesoftware.com  
  • See Instructions for another free offer regarding Drug Test Scheduling.