ARRIVE Software

Request a free Fact Sheet

Improve employee morale. For a free Random Drug Testing Fact Sheet listing the expected number of times an employee will be selected more than once a year, fill out the items below and Email to

Pool Size of Eligible Employees     Individuals tested per year
Multiple people per session (see explanation)

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"I've been chosen 4 times this year for drug testing! I'm filing a greivance."

"You are one of our best employees. Take a look at our Fact Sheet. Every year, we expect that at least one of our employees will be tested four times in the same year. It happens almost every year to one or two of our 650 employees, sometimes three. That's just the way random testing works, and we use a scientifically valid method which is certified, the Arrive Software Fair Choice Method."


650 Employees Eligible for Testing
325 tests per year

Each calendar year:

Approx. number of individuals selected Once: 184-211
Approx. number of individuals selected Twice: 42-57
Approx. number of individuals selected 3 times: 5-11
Approx. number of individuals selected 4 times: 0-2
Approx. number of individuals selected 5 or more times: Rare, but can happen.

The actual occurrences can and will sometimes vary above and below these values.

Statistical expected values for 325 from 650 on 325 occasions:

Once: 197.3502005
Twice: 49.26152925
3 times: 8.172303004
4 times: 1.01366778
5 or more times: 0.10912977

Explanation: When over 365 tests are given per year, multiple tests are required per day. However, having the same employee provide two samples and counting that as two tests is not reasonable because the results would be identical. If your documented random drug testing policy or plan states states that during the same selection period callout, 2 or more different employees will be tested without duplication, enter that number in the Multiple people box. Enter 1 if the same employee can always be selected again. Enter 1 if you don't exactly understand.