Dakota Old Testament Books

Wicoicaġe   April 24, 2018
Psalm Wowapi | Wicoie Wakan | Eyanpaha Kin   March 24, 2018
Daniel Tawowapi Kin   June 7, 2018

In the Dakota language, here are the Psalms and Proverbs plus more from the Old Testament by Thomas S. Williamson and Stephen R. Riggs. These verses can now easily be searched, copied, printed and researched.

To purchase a printed copy of the Dakota New Testament, see The Dakota New Testament.
To pruchase a printed copy of the Dakota Old Testament pt 1, see The Dakota Old Testament Part 1.
To purchase a printed copy of the Dakota Old Testament pt 2, see The Dakota Old Testament Part 2.

To contibute to the translation of the Lakota Bible, see Lakota Bible Translation Project.

These 5 Old Testament books were provided to us by these missionaries of the ABCFM, the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Their work is translated out of the original tongues, which are Greek and Hebrew and Aramaic. Unnamed (on earth) are the many Dakota deacons and evaluators who provided essential help with these documents.

This version was published in 1919 by
The American Bible Society
101 North Independence Mall East FL8
Philadelphia, PA 19106-2155

These verses were transcribed using OCR into RTF using the UTF-8 character set with diacritical marks.

A proverb: 14:23 Taku kicanyanpi kin owasin on taku mnayanpi ece, tuka wicaiha iapi kin wicayuwaḣpanica heceedan.